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By ... Steve Lucky

One day Kenny set a bomb in the lab with the help of Jack and Bill.

“Well done!” cried Kenny.

“In one hour this lab won’t be here,” said Jack.

“Yes, and maybe Mr. Trim won’t be here too,” said Bill.

Randy overheard this. He went to tell the others.

“A bomb will destroy the lab in 53 minutes,” he said.

“That doesn’t give us much time,” said John.

John, Betty, Torry, and Randy went to investigate. Randy saw a wire behind the bomb.

“I’ll cut it,” said Randy.

Then Betty said, “Look out behind you.”

Then Jack, Bill, and Kenny shot at Randy. Randy ducked in time and ran back then Jack hid the wire and left. Bill threw a chair into Torry who fell into Betty and left. Kenny looked at Torry and shot at John so if he moved he’d be cut in half. Then he left. So did Torry and Betty. They told the rest then Bill came in. So they ran then Jack came at them they went inside there Kenny got Mr. Trim. The Bob knocked Jack and Bill down to escape in a room and lock the door and Mrs. Trim said, “The bomb stuff is missing and 40 minutes left.”

Then Kenny shot threw the window.

“Mrs. Trim,” said Amy.

“The top 3 can’t move and a bomb to stop,” said Torry.

They went out and ran to where the bomb was. Jack hit and the crystal came out Torry got back up and left. Then Bill shot Bob and Kenny shot Dan.

“Oh! No! 30 minutes left,” said Amy.

Then she left with Torry. Randy did too. They shot at Victor but Victor slid on the floor. Betty left. They tried again this time Victor skid to the left, got up, and left. Frisky followed him to see where he was going. Then they made a low shot between Frisky’s legs and got Victor’s. Victor carefully got his legs out then they got his whole body. Frisky found Amy.

“4 people and 1 cat that can move and 20 minutes left,” cried Betty.

“We have to take 1 more shot at it,” said Randy.

So they did.

“15 minutes left,” said Amy.

Just then Kenny came ready to fight so did Jack and Bill. They fired at Randy, Randy jumped. Frisky scratched Kenny but he threw Frisky back into Amy and shot them.

“That evens the score,” said Bill.

“Except Kenny’s older and Bill’s something stronger too,” said Jack.

With that Jack kicked Randy on the ground. Torry and Betty knocked Jack and Bill down then Kenny and Randy got up. Jack took Randy’s pocket knife who gave it to Bill which gave it to Kenny.

“13 minutes left,” thought Mr. Trim.

Betty tried to get the knife, but she couldn’t.

“12 minutes left,” thought Dan.

Randy tried and Betty left. She knew what to do she went on the 2nd floor and got some string she saw Kenny. She lassoed the knife.

“11 minutes left,” thought Victor.

Kenny and Bill went after her. Randy pushed Jack down and Betty threw the knife down to Randy. Torry and Randy went to the bomb room. Jack got up and called Bill and Kenny.

“10 minutes,” thought John.

They were about to shoot up at Betty when she ran to the stairs but Torry and Randy cleared the way.

“9 minutes!” said Torry and thought Bob.

They shot at Torry. Torry spread his legs out so it went between his legs. They blocked the entrance.

“8 minutes,” thought Mrs. Trim.

“Now how do you get out?” asked Kenny.

“You have to think fast,” said Bill.

“We’ll stop the bomb,” said Betty.

“No, you won’t,” said Jack.

Randy saw they’d shot at Betty and missed. They shot at Randy.

“7 minutes,” thought Amy.

“Let me out,” thought Frisky in cat language.

“2 to 3 our favor,” said Jack.

“Yeah!” exclaimed Kenny.

Then Jack shot at Torry before Randy thought, “I can still move my arm.”

And with that he threw his pocket knife into the crystal which knocked it right into Torry’s hands.

“6 minutes,” they all thought.

They shot Randy’s arm. With that Betty ran. Jack tried to follow but Bill stopped him.

“Jack, stop!” yelled Kenny. “She can’t do anything to stop the bomb.”

“That’s why I’m leaving,” replied Jack.

“Oh!” said Kenny.

So they ran after her while they left.

“5 minutes,” they all thought Betty went outside with Jack, Bill, and Kenny right on her tail.

“You’ll be the first to see your friend go up in smoke,” said Bill. “Standing still.”

With that they shot at her.

“You missed,” she said.

Then Jack and Bill grabbed her and Kenny made sure she didn’t escape.

“4 minutes,” they all thought but Jack, Bill, and Kenny were smiling and the rest were not.

“Get us out of these lasers,” they all thought.

Jack, Bill, and Kenny thought of how rich they’d be. Betty heard that special stuff that the bomb wouldn’t explode them they put some of the stuff on the top projects and would steal it later that night.

“Bomb stop!” they all thought except Jack, Bill, and Kenny who were thinking of being rich.

“Money isn’t everything,” said Betty.

“We know but it’s being rich and maybe famous,” they said.

“And if you fail,” said Betty.

“We’ll kill you,” they said.

“Oh, no! Just 3 minutes left,” said Betty.

At the same time the others thought, “3 minutes left and we can’t move. Hurry Betty!”

Meanwhile at the other lab they knew if she tried to escape they’d kill her if the bomb explodes her friends would die and if they didn’t she’d die.

“Good work,” said Kenny.

“Then we’ll leave Jesterville where nobody knows who we are and live under the name of the Smith brothers,” said Bill.

“And we’ll be stinking rich,” said Jack.

“2 minutes,” said Betty.

“Right you are,” said Bill.

“Your friends will die,” said Kenny.

“Or YOU!” exclaimed Jack.

Just then Torry had an idea. He changed shape so fast that the lasers couldn’t penetrate. The crystal needed energy so it took the lights, then the lasers. Then it took the bomb’s energy. When the lights went out Betty escaped without them knowing it. They thought the lights went out because of the bomb. For 3 minutes he did that. Then he stopped.

“I need a rest,” he said.

“After that you can have all the rest you want,” said John.

Betty saw the lab still STANDING. She ran in to see. But Jack, Bill, and Kenny thought Betty put some stuff on the lab so it wouldn’t explode but they were wrong.

- The End -


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