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Terry Bogard Vs. Anonymous 48295

Fan Fiction Based On Fatal Fury

By ... Steve Lucky

Terry was walking down the street one day when someone came up behind him.

"Hold it right there!" that someone yelled.

Terry turned around. The figure was dressed entirely in black so he could not see who it was.

"Who are you and what do you want?" he demanded.

"I am Anonymous 48295," the figure replied. "I was sent here by the king of the newsgroup alt.punch.fatal-fury to fight you. Surrender the title now or I will take it away from you."

"Surely you can't be serious," Terry replied.

"I will show you how serious I am," said Anonymous 48295.

Anonymous 48295 took a punch at Terry which was quite slow by his standards. He easily dodged it. Anonymous 48295 could not stop in time and the continued momentum of the missed punch caused that someone to fall hard on to the pavement. Terry offered to help Anonymous 48295 up. Anonymous 48295 accepted.

"Why did you help me up?" asked Anonymous 48295.

"If that punch was the best you could do you are not a threat to me," explained Terry. "and it is wrong to attack people who are not a threat, even if they attack me."

"How did you get such strong moral values?" Anonymous 48295 managed to gasp in amazement.

"I learned it from my family," Terry replied.

The two of them talked for awhile and they learned quite a bit from each other but the identity of Anonymous 48295 remained .... well ... anonymous.

Then a powerful looking villian appeared.

"You must be the king of alt.punch.fatal-fury!" Terry declared.

"How did you know?" demanded the king.

"Just a lucky guess," Terry replied.

The king turned to Anonymous 48295.

"Why did stop your fight with him?" the king insisted.

"I do not want to fight him," Anonymous 48295 replied. "He has taught me the importance of not fighting, unless you are being attacked by an all powerful villian of course."

The king became enraged and hurled a death bolt at Terry but Anonymous jumped between the two of them and took the death bolt for him. Terry looked at poor Anonymous 48295 and got really upset. He sent an e-mail message to Internet 911 telling them what had happened and asked them to delete the alt.punch.fatal-fury newsgroup. They sent a superspeedy investigation team who finished the job in nanoseconds. A few seconds after that the newsgroup was destroyed and the king of it was no more.

"This can't be happening!" the king cried out as he got deleted.

He disappeared completely leaving only a ring-shaped pile of soot where he had been standing.

With that out of the way, Terry rushed to the aid of Anonymous 48295 who was still barely alive and removed her mask. Just as he thought, it turned out to be one of his old girlfriends.

"Why did you do it?" he asked.

"I was in love with you," said the one fomerly know as Anonymous 48295 as she breathed her last breath.

Terry cried over her dead body and wondered why things like this always happened to him.

Copyright 2000, Steve Lucky

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