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Fan Fiction Based On A Nightmare On Elm Street

By ... Steve Lucky

The house gave Sarah the creeps. She had never been in it before yet it seemed somehow familiar to her. It was as if she had been there in a dream that had been long forgotten.

As she took a step forward in her bare feet, the sturdy appearing floor creaked and moaned as if it were about to break. The foul stench of rotting flesh penetrated her nostrils. She could not help but think it might be somebody she knew.

A cold wind began to blow throughout the house. She instinctively clutched the top of her nightgown, more from fear than to keep warm. Slowly she made her way across the hall to one of the doors.

As she touched the knob the terrible sound of metal scraping against metal could be heard in the distance. She moved her hand away as if doing so would magically solve everything. The chilling wind had stopped and not a sound could be heard, but still she could sense the presence of someone or something deadly.

She tried the tarnished silver knob again. The door flew open with a loud bang revealling a small bedroom belonging to a teenaged girl. The room was not hers!

As she entered the room trying to figure out to whom it belonged, the door slammed shut behind her. She ran back to the door, but it was locked. She pounded on the door with her body, but the door remained firm. Not giving up she ran to the window, but where the window was supposed to be there was only a brick wall.

With a loud, fustrated sigh she accepted the fact that she was not going to get out for the time being and she would just have to make the best of thingd. The bed looked very inviting, but falling asleep was the last thing she wanted to do. She had to stay awake but she could not remember why.

Once again the scraping of metal against metal could be heard. This time it was considerably closer, just outside the door. Sarah hestitated not knowing whether to run to the door to investigate the noise or back away from it in terror.

At that moment she felt something sharp and metal tap her on the shoulder. She turned around and saw a horribly burnt man wearing a red and green sweater. She did not remember meeting him before, but from the stories her friends had told her she knew him all too well. This was Freddy Kreuger.

"Leaving so soon?" he said.

Sarah found herself at a loss for words.

"I thought you might want to stick around," chuckled Freddy.

She tried to run but found herself stuck to the floor. Freddy laughed at her and raised his claw ready to strike.

Sarah found herself literally shaken awake by her friends April and Michelle.

"You idiot!" screamed April. "You were supposed to help Michelle keep watch! I could have been killed! You could have been killed!"

"I'm sorry," Sarah stammered.

She knew it was insufficient but it was all she could come up with for the time being.

"Well never mind that now," grumbled April. "What is done is done."

"Are you ready to continue your shift?" asked Michelle.

"One or both of you will just fall asleep again," said April. "We need someone else to help us. In the meantime we all need to stay awake."

As Sarah got up and walked towards the kitchen, April and Michelle noticed the claw marks on her right shoulder. Freddy had left his mark on her.

Copyright 1999, Steve Lucky

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