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SPARK By ... Steve Lucky Deep within the surrounding dark Can be found a single spark. The spark looks small and very dim Resting on an old tree limb. If the spark were properly covered, All the fire would be smothered. However, this spark was under control. Light and warmth was the family's goal. Spead quickly by a gentle breeze Its temperature increased many degrees. Just seconds later, the whole limb was on fire. Nearby family members had to perspire. Growing more the former spark contined to comsume Fuel turning firewood into smoke and fume. Everything in the pile was caught in the blaze, Yet no fear did the family raise. Knowing just a spark could burn everything around, They made sure no extra fuel could be found. One of them would always watch the source of warmth and light So they would be ready if something did not go right. A spark of love brings joy to all who know its beauty, But unlike fire keeping in under control was not their duty. Love should be spread beyond limitations Enabling it to reach all the nations. Copyright 2003, Steve Lucky

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